Happy Thanksgiving

November 24, 2010 at 08:34 PM | Code, SQLAlchemy


  1. Went through all that trouble to rebuild my blog, still nothing on my mind. Let's make something up !
  2. Holiday cheer ! Since I am nothing if not cheery.

The exercise below uses a database to make a turkey. It does so via an entirely convoluted and pointless series of steps, persisting and restoring a needlessly esoteric set of data with a SQLite database through a series of obnoxious arithmetical translations, however delicious the final answer may be.

It does, at least, illustrate some query/domain model techniques I've been using on the job as of late. The @classmethod constructs you see below are a slimmed down version of SQLAlchemy's "hybrid attrbutes" example, attribute helpers that are going to play a much more prominent role in 0.7, where we begin to de-emphasize synonym and comparable_property in favor of the hybrid, a simpler and more versatile component.

In their full form, these components allow domain classes to define transformational expressions that work both as SQL expressions as well as instance attributes. Below, a more succinct version of them is used to associate composed SQL elements with a domain model. Ramped up to scale in a real application, I'm able to generate large paginated displays, containing a wide range of values mathemetically derived from others, all evaluated in SQL and pulled straight from a single Query object composed using this technique. In other contexts, when I load individual objects from the database, those same derivation methods are available to me at the instance level, pulling their components from the in-memory state of the object and interpreted by Python, instead of by the relational engine.

Surmounting the barrier of absurdity inherent in this exercise did yield a small bounty - writing this example uncovered some surprisingly glaring expression language bugs I have to fix (see all those self_group() calls ? Those shouldn't have to be there...ouch).

Hope you enjoy it:

packed_turkey = \

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Integer, Float, \
                        CHAR, Column, ForeignKey, \
                        func, cast, case, and_
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import math, binascii, zlib

img = dict(
    (line[0], [int(x) for x in line[1:].split(",")])
    for line in zlib.decompress(binascii.unhexlify(packed_turkey)).\
    split("\n") if line)

class classproperty(property):
    """Class level @property."""
    def __get__(desc, self, cls):
        return desc.fget(cls)

Base = declarative_base()

class SpiralPoint(Base):
    """Store a character and its position along a spiral."""

    __tablename__ = 'spiral_point'

    def __init__(self, character, value):
        self.value = value
        self.character = character
        self.sqrt = math.sqrt(value)

    value = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    """The value."""

    character = Column(CHAR(1))
    """The character."""

    sqrt = Column(Float, nullable=False)
    """Store the square root of the value, SQLite
    doesn't have sqrt() built in.

    (custom SQLite functions are beyond the scope
    of this "exercise", as it were)

    def nearest_odd(cls):
        """Return the nearest odd number below this SpiralPoint's sqrt."""

        return (func.round(cls.sqrt / 2) * 2 - 1).\

    def nearest_even(cls):
        """Return the nearest even number below this SpiralPoint's sqrt."""

        return (cls.nearest_odd + 1).\

    def center_distance(cls):
        """How far from the 'center' is this value ?"""

        return (cls.nearest_even / 2).label('center_distance')

    def quadrant(cls):
        """Which side of the 'center' is this value part of ?"""

        return (cls.value - (
                cls.nearest_odd * cls.nearest_odd

e = create_engine('sqlite://', echo=True)

session = Session(e)
session.add_all([SpiralPoint(char, val)
                    for char in img
                    for val in img[char]])

total_x = 60
total_y = 24

# load our turkey !
turkey = session.query(
            SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even,
            (total_x / 2) + SpiralPoint.center_distance
                SpiralPoint.nearest_even <= SpiralPoint.quadrant,
                SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 2
                (total_x / 2) + SpiralPoint.center_distance - 1) -
                (SpiralPoint.quadrant - SpiralPoint.nearest_even).self_group()
                SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 2 <= SpiralPoint.quadrant,
                SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even *3
            (total_x / 2) - SpiralPoint.center_distance
        else_ = (
                    (total_x / 2) - SpiralPoint.center_distance + 1) +
                    (SpiralPoint.quadrant - (SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 3)
    ), Integer).label('x'),

            SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even,
            (total_y / 2) - SpiralPoint.center_distance + 1 + SpiralPoint.quadrant
                SpiralPoint.nearest_even <= SpiralPoint.quadrant,
                SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 2
            (total_y / 2) + SpiralPoint.center_distance),
                SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 2 <= SpiralPoint.quadrant,
                SpiralPoint.quadrant < SpiralPoint.nearest_even *3
            (total_y / 2) + SpiralPoint.center_distance - 1 -
            (SpiralPoint.quadrant - (SpiralPoint.nearest_even * 2)).self_group()
        else_ = (total_y / 2) - SpiralPoint.center_distance
    ), Integer).label('y')

# serve our turkey !
grid = [
        [' ' for x in xrange(total_x)]
        for y in xrange(total_y)

for char, x, y in turkey:
    grid[y][x] = char

for g in grid:
    print "".join([c for c in g])

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